Thoughts and Reflections Prior to and After Heart Transplant
The never ending emotional ride I have experienced since 1987 when I had my first of many heart attacks until I received my heart transplant on November 1, 2011 often felt unmanageable.
I had my first heart attack at the age of 41. March 2011, my heart went into fatal cardiac arrhythmia, the pacemaker/defibrillator did its job and saved my life. This is when I realized that I was fast approaching a wall without a door, eliminating the possibility of a tomorrow without a heart transplant.
After going through a multitude of tests, which included extensive mental evaluation qualifying me for transplant, June 2011 at Shand's Hospital, Gainesville I was listed. On the afternoon of November 1, 2011, at 3:30 p.m., we received the phone call that would open a doorway allowing a new life to begin. It allowed me, once again, to make plans to enjoy life, and experience so many lifelong dreams that I had given up. I had wondered how I would feel when this call came. A great sense of calmness came over me and I was at peace.
Upon waking from the transplant surgery, I was impatient to get stronger and become the active person I had always been. Even in the midst of my jubilation, I had deep feelings of loss for the donor family. I remain amazed and humbled by their generosity at the time they were experiencing such anguish and heart break. Because of this gift of life, a door opened in the wall and my new life began.
My journey continued when I was released from the hospital. Over the course of the next couple of months, Maxine, my wife and life partner and I dealt with the many emotional issues that transplant recipients deal with. Medications, restrictions and the fact that I could once again have a life, made those long days bearable. I will be forever grateful for the life I am now able to live and for the family that made it possible. Your gift of life has made me focus on all the blessings I have shared with my wife Maxine who has cared for and supported me through very challenging times. My family has also been an important part of my journey. In addition, I have an amazing team of Doctors who have become not only my support system but lifelong friends.
This new life that I have been given will never again be taken for granted. I will remember this gift of life and will spend the rest of mine making a difference so that this life will not be in vain. I hope that in the eyes of my donor family, I am worthy of all that they have done for me and my family.
- Forever Grateful, Donor Recipient, Don Anacker
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